United Women in faith
A Note from Kathy Shuller
Ladies, it has been quite a while since we have an article in our Newsletter. Lots and lots have happened. In February some of our ladies attended the Greater Detroit Annual Prayer Breakfast held at Centro Familiar UMC in Melvindale, MI. It was quite a wonderful experience, with our speaker.
In April, there was Hands on Mission Work, led by Ethel Gill. In June the Michigan Annual Conference was held at Grand Traverse Resort in Traverse City.
In July, Mission U was held at Mt. Pleasant First UMC in Mt. Pleasant MI. We missed quite a few of these events. Yes, we did attend the Greater Detroit Annual District meeting held at Scott Memorial UMC on Saturday, October 12,2024. Thanks to all those who were able to attend.
Please mark your calendar for these upcoming events. On Wednesday, November 6, 2024, we will be making lunches for the Noah Project. NOAH stands for for (Networking, Organizing, and Advocating for the Homeless) Please bring “Oatmeal Cookies” if possible. This program started in 1976 by Central United Methodist Church. Sunday, November 10,2024 will be our United women in Faith Sunday. Our speaker will be Marchelle Phelps, a delicate to the North Central Jurisdiction.
Ladies, we missed seeing some of you at our Sisters Class on Mondays. We missed you. Please join us at 12 noon for great Bible Studies and much more. Until then, God’s grace be with you.
Kathy Shuller